Sunday, January 29, 2012

final plans

I am so stressed out. 
ROMULUS WILL NOT ACCEPT MY IDEAS!!!!!! i am smart too! who does he think he is!!! i want the opening of the town to be in the north west corner, but of course Romulus wants it to be in the south east corner, he is so sassy... i just cannot take it anymore. 
I think i wi...... (Remus was going to write will, but Romulus killed him in the midst of this blog post) RIP

The hills are alive!

Since craving my adventure Romulus and i have found our new own land. It is serene and quite, but bueatiful and bodacious.  It is dark and stormy, but bright and sunny. It is perfect and alive! all of our dreams are coming true. It is hilly and i think we shall make it our own.

im not a boy, not yet a man.

Lately i have been using this quote to go through life:
                             "i used to think that i had the answers to everything, but now i know life dosn't always go my way. yeah..... feels like i'm caught in the middle."
                                                 -Britney Spears
this is how i feel, i am a man and mother and father need to accept Romulus and I. We are growing up and getting strong and masculine. I want something more. I am craving adventure.

Treasure Hunter.

As me and brother Romulus were living the rugged life on an island with She-wolf, a man came from the distance. He was searching for sources of life. He knew he and his wife wanted children and was looking for something to please her. He ended up finding Romulus and I. OMG i am so thankful for him.

Rolling on the river

The first memory i can recall is being put out into the Tigris river with my brother Romulus. I don't remember much, except for being extremely cold and wet, my brother and i were crying for help, when a she-wolf came and saved us! it was a dreadful experience, but i will never forget how my life changed.

Monday, January 23, 2012



"Romulus." Encyclopedia Mythica. 2012. Encyclopedia Mythica Online.
23 Jan. 2012 <>.
"The Romans - Legend of Rome." History on the Net Main Page. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. <>.
Romulus, Remus, Shewolf. Digital image. Web. 23 Jan. 2012. <http://,r:11,s:12>.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Romulus and Remus were born to the mother Rhea and father Mars.  They were twins and just alike. One stormy day they were set a sailing upon a wild and and raging sea. Their mother, Rhea was saved by the goddess Tiberinus. The babies, who were meek and unable to swim, were saved by a SHE-WOLF. The she-wolf  nurtured and cared for Romulus and Remus as if they were her own children. That is why most pictures of Romulus and Remus show the brothers together with the she-wolf. She was basically their adopted mother. 

    some time passed and after a while a shepherd who had been searching for something all his life found his most precious treasure Romulus and Remus.  He took the children and took them to where the heart is, home. The shepherd brought them to his loving wife. Romulus and Remus soon grew up, learned the ways of life and grew big and strong. Romulus and Remus, now men, wanted something, something more. Just like their adopted father. They went to seek their fortunes, their future life.
    After traveling for days and months Romulus and Remus ended up in a magical place. The country was most beautiful and hilly, they build a kingdom there.They were planning all the "ins" and "outs" of the city. It was truly a beautiful place, until the fatal quarrel! Romulus not being able to control his raging anger he felt a need to hurt, hurt Remus! He did just that and knocked him upon the head with a tool, commencing Remus' death.

 Romulus named the city Rome, after himself and began to enlarge his empire. He was the first king of Rome, he had a tough tyranny that he was angering all his people.  He later died and was taken to heaven by Mars, some people believe he is revered as the God Quirinus.